Going through a bankruptcy case can take time and effort, and you might even run into some snags along the way. If you are planning on using bankruptcy and want to ensure that your case runs quickly and smoothly and you avoid snags, here are some things you can do that will help you achieve this.

Be completely honest

To ensure that your case runs smoothly, it is vital for you to be completely honest during the case. This means that you should avoid trying to hide assets or debts, and you should always tell the truth about things in your life that are important for your case. If you lie with any part of your paperwork, you could end up with a dismissed case, and that would not help you at all with the debt problems you are currently facing.

Turn in every document your lawyer asks for

The second thing to do is to turn in every document your lawyer asks for. To file for bankruptcy, you will have to turn in a lot of papers. Throughout the case, you might also be asked for more papers or documents to prove certain things. When asked for anything, try to locate the right document as quickly as you can to get it turned in. If you do not turn in papers right away, there can be delays in your case, which means it will take longer for you to settle your bankruptcy case.

Complete any requirements your lawyer tells you

For your case to run smoothly and quickly, you must also complete any requirements your lawyer instructs of you. The main requirements will likely be to complete your credit counseling courses, and there are two of these that you must complete. Your lawyer will tell you when to take these classes and where to take them.

Attend the hearings

If you file for Chapter 7, you will probably only have to attend one hearing. If you file for Chapter 13, you may have several that you must attend. In any event, you should attend all of the required hearings, as missing them will delay your case or cause problems with it.

Ask your lawyer if you have questions

Finally, if you ever encounter a time when you are not sure what to do, ask your lawyer. Your lawyer will be there to guide you through the process and will have the answers you need for all your questions.

If you do these five things, you will likely avoid many problems in your case, and you might be able to get the case closed a lot faster. To learn more about your options with bankruptcy, talk to a bankruptcy lawyer today.
