When you've been injured in an accident and you meet with a personal injury attorney from a firm like Arias Law Firm, P.A., he or she will commonly have you describe as many factors about the injury as possible. Describing the scene as best you can will augment the attorney's ability to assess whether you may have a legitimate personal injury case. You might be surprised to hear the attorney ask you to describe the weather and/or the general environment of the scene in the moments before your accident. Here are three weather conditions that can have an impact on your case.


Rain plays a critical role in many sorts of accidents and can thus impact a personal injury case in a number of ways. One thing that rain does is reduce people's visibility. This can mean that if you were hit by a vehicle, that driver may argue that the rain affected his or her ability to see you walking along the side of the street or across the parking lot. However, your attorney can then evaluate the police report to learn the driver's rate of speed at the time of impact. If visibility was low because of the rain and the driver didn't slow down proportionately, your attorney will argue that he or she was negligent.


Like rain, snow is a weather-related condition that can impact both accidents and the strength of subsequent personal injury cases. In addition to obviously making drivers have the potential to lose control of their vehicles, it can limit visibility once it has fallen. A prime example of this is when the snowbanks along the edges of streets and sidewalks are high. If you were hit because a motorist who was backing out of a driveway didn't see you behind the snowbank, your attorney may direct your suit not only at the driver but also at the municipality that was potentially negligent by not clearing the snow.


Wind can also play a role in accidents. A common wind-related injury occurs when something breaks off a building and hits you as a pedestrian, causing an injury. On the surface, such an occurrence may seem solely like an act of nature. However, your attorney's investigators will dig into the scene and assess whether the building owner may have been negligent. For example, if something on the building was in disrepair for an extended period of time and finally broke off in the wind, your attorney will argue that the building owner had the chance to fix the issue but did not, thus making him or her negligent.
