In most cases, the defense strategies that criminal suspects come up with are nothing new. Most defenses will take one of these routes. 

1. Confess Your Crime

In this case, you are basically admitting to the criminal allegations that have been leveled against you. Admission of guilt is a sure way of getting sentenced for the crime, and it is generally not advisable because you are likely to get the maximum sentence for the crime. This is not one of those cases where you will be rewarded for your "honesty." For example, if you are charged with DUI (driving under the influence), and you immediately admit to the crime, you are likely to receive the maximum sentence that DUI crimes attract.

However, there are a few cases where it may make sense to confess a crime; here are some of those cases:

  • The crime is an infraction (such as littering), and you want to end the process as soon as possible
  • The crime attracts a monetary fine and paying it will be cheaper and more convenient for you in the long run
  • You have been advised to do so by your attorney as part of a plea deal

2. Deny the Allegations

Another common route is to deny the allegations that have been leveled against you. This is route particularly makes sense if there is no concrete evidence (such as video footage) linking you to the criminal acts. This is one of the most common approaches people take when they are facing criminal charges. 

At the very least, denying the charges against you gives you time to prepare your criminal defense. For example, if you don't have access to a lawyer right away, its best to deny the charges until you can consult one. After all, it is fairly easy to change a denial into a confession than to go the other way around.

3. Admit and Explain the Allegations

The third common route is to admit the allegations you are facing but then offer an explanation s to why you took the actions you did and why you shouldn't be charged/convicted of the crime. In this case, you are basically offering a justification for your alleged criminal actions. 

For example, if you have been charged with DUI, you can admit to being intoxicated but then explain that your drink had been spiked at a party where you believed you were only taking a soft drink. An admission and explanation story makes sense if you have concrete proof for the same – the police won't just take your word for it.

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