Automobile accidents happen everyday, but it is always a shock when you are involved. This nerve-wracking experience can leave you jostled and fumbling for the right words when help arrives at the scene of the accident or when you call the insurance company to file a claim. Even though you are on edge about the whole situation, it is extremely important that you don't slip up and say the wrong thing. A lot of what you say at this time will be documented or even recorded.

The wrong phrases can have an affect on the outcome of your claim. Here are a few phrases you must avoid after an accident when communicating with the responding police officer and your insurance company. 

Don't say you are fine

After an auto accident, even a minor one, it is important to be cautious about your physical condition and injuries. You may feel fine immediately after the accident because your adrenaline is rushing, but within a few hours, aches and pains could seep in. Saying you are fine and don't need medical attention or refusing medical assistance from the ambulance or rescue squad could lead the insurance company to state that whatever injuries show up later must not be related to the accident. 

Don't claim you have whiplash right away

Your neck may be hurting, but claiming whiplash as soon as you climb out of your wrecked vehicle will often times just make you and your claim look suspicious. This medical term is often thrown around in insurance claims when people are trying to come up with some form of injury to abuse the system. Just keep the "W" word to yourself and make sure it is known you do need medical attention. It will be much better for your case if the treating physician is the first one to document that you have whiplash, as their professional opinion will matter more anyway. 

Don't apologize for the accident when it's not your fault

As someone who is considerate of others, your first reaction at the scene of an accident may be to apologize to the other driver, even if you know the accident was not your fault or not totally your fault. If the attending officer documents in their report that you were apologetic, it could be brought up later in the claims assessment and the insurance company could claim that your apology was as good as admitting you were at fault. 
