If you're struggling with the aftermath of a serious accident or injury, you may not be able to work. In cases where you'll be out of work for a year or longer, Social Security disability may be the best thing for you. Unfortunately, some people may choose not to apply for benefits due to the many misconceptions that are out there. Here are a few facts you should know before you apply.

A Doctor's Note Doesn't Guarantee You Benefits

You may have heard that if you can get your doctor to write a note saying that you should qualify, that's a guaranteed approval. The truth is, your physician's letter is an important component of the application, but not the only one.

Additionally, you'll want to be sure that the letter your doctor writes is going to work on your behalf, not against you. For that to be the case, it must completely describe your disability or injury and include details of your treatment and the doctor's recovery prognosis. If your doctor writes a letter that's lacking necessary details or is vague, it may not help your case.

Talk to your doctor about the information that needs to be included. For example, the letter should include your doctor's initial consultation observations, details about your treatment plan and any signs that you're improving. All of this information will be beneficial for the review panel.

Not All First-Time Applicants Are Denied

One widespread misconception is that every applicant is denied the first time they apply. The truth is, you can secure an approval the first time if you take your time before applying. You may even find that working with a Social Security attorney helps you to create a comprehensive application with a better chance at first-time approval.

You Can Still Work Even If You Are Approved

Some people opt to skip the disability application out of fear that they'll be restricted to nothing but the disability payment every month. The truth is, you can still generate some income, even if you're on disability. You'll just have to make sure that you don't exceed the monthly income limit for your benefits. Talk with your Social Security attorney like CHARLES P. ERICKSON, ESQ. about the specific restrictions so that you don't jeopardize your case.

With the facts in this article, you'll be in a better position to decide if the application process is right for you. With this information and the support of an attorney, you can evaluate your case objectively to assess your chances.
