One of the most examined components of a Social Security disability claim is the medical treatment you have received. If you have not received treatment because you could not afford it, it does not necessarily mean that you are automatically ineligible for benefits. However, you will need to explain your lack of treatment. 

Could You Afford Treatment?

When reviewing your case, the Social Security Administration, or SSA, will ask for an explanation of why you did not seek medical treatment for your condition. If you could not afford it, explain that to the SSA. You will have to prove to the agency that you did everything you could to get help with paying for your medical care. 

For instance, you could provide the SSA with a denial letter from Medicaid. You could also show proof that you contacted local organizations to ask for help and were denied. If you received medical treatment through emergency rooms or low-cost clinics during this time, you can provide dates and times of your treatment. 

If you can show you put forth a real effort to get medical treatment, the SSA might arrange for a medical examination to determine if you qualify for benefits. 

What Is the Medical Examination?

The medical examination is not performed for every disability claim. However, if the agency is unable to evaluate whether or not you are truly disabled according to your statements and those of any medical care providers that treated you, you could be asked to undergo an examination.

Ideally, the medical examiner will conduct an unbiased examination of your health. You can improve the odds of getting a fair examination by explaining your symptoms in detail and by ensuring the examiner documents them in your records. You also have the option of asking the SSA to send you to a certain type of specialist. This can be extremely helpful to your claim if you suffer from an ailment that is usually treated by a specialist, such as a cardiologist. 

Can an Attorney Help?

Some attorneys do help their clients get a medical consultation prior to filing for disability. Your attorney might require you to reimburse the cost of the examination once you are approved for disability benefits. Your attorney can also help with explaining your claim and the lack of treatment to the SSA. He or she has experience with working on difficult claims.

Do not the lack of medical treatment for your disability prevent you from taking steps to receive benefits. With the help of an experienced attorney, you can build a solid case for approval.

To learn more about social security disability representation, contact a law firm like Mckown Jim Attorney at Law
